Our lab studies neural mechanisms that control decision making and feeding. We utilize cutting-edge approaches in electrophysiology, optogenetics, and behavioral analysis to investigate the neural circuits that modulate these processes in mice.
It is expected that the lab members to contribute to a productive and supportive lab environment conducive to learning and research. Our lab takes pride of an inclusive environment that encompasses diverse identities, cultures, experiences, and thinking. We value regular communications with regular meetings not only for ideation, and troubleshooting but also for building trust, understanding each other, and clear expectations. We always encourage a good work-life balance which is important for the productivity and success of the team. A happy team is a happy family. We do not require lab members to come or leave work at a defined time each day. However, it is expected from the lab members to be present during normal working hours Monday - Friday (~9 am to 5 pm) when most academic activities happen. This allows lab members to attend seminars, meetings, and journal clubs, and it also facilitates lab members to work with and learn from each other during the day. We believe science does not happen in isolation, and we believe in open science and expect all lab members to practice open science. All raw data and experimental designs must always be available in electronically as well as in a notebook to allow transparency. We also maintain lab SOPs in the WiKi. All data produced during your time is the property of the Kravitz lab and Washington University of St Louis. If you have any further questions about my thoughts, I am always happy to share.
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